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The packing and shipping of sodium metabisulfite


Sodium metabisulfite packing, packed in plastic woven bags lined with polyethylene plastic bags, bags of 25 kg or 50 kg net each. Should be stored in a cool, dry warehouse, packing seal, should prevent air oxidation, note moistureproof, transportation should prevent the rain and sun exposure. It is strictly prohibited and acids, antioxidants and harmful toxic substances during storage. When the goods should not be long time storage, loading and unloading to should take put down gently, prevent packaging rupture. Fire, water and all kinds of fire extinguishers.

On the bag (barrel) should besmear brushs a sign of strong, content including: product name, rank, net weight and manufacturer name;
Sodium metabisulfite packed in plastic woven bag or barrel, lined with plastic bag, net weight 25 or 50 kg;
This product transportation, storage should prevent breakage, be affected with damp be affected with damp, thermal metamorphism. It is forbidden to coexist with oxidant, acid;
This product from the date of production, storage life for six months.

Sodium metabisulfite packing should be full of actual loading should be safe. Transportation process to ensure that the container does not leak, collapse, fall, and not damaged. It is strictly prohibited and oxidant, acids, edible chemicals such as conventional mixing. Transit should prevent insolate, rain, heat. Transportation vehicles should make a thorough cleaning.

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