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PVC sluggish downstream demand is hard to change


The most important downstream product as a plasticizer, PVC has been clouded in overcapacity, the trend extended losses, market prices have fallen below 6,000 yuan. Until the end of the first quarter, PVC, after several months of continuous decline for the first time to usher in the rally, market dealers in a long slump atmosphere, saw a ray of hope.

"Manufacturers and traders are still in high inventories, end demand has not really recovered, still supply and demand, the market picked up or flash in the pan, is still difficult to pick up." Zhu said the Commissioner.

While the terminal market of soft PVC products, wires, cables, veneer floors and walls, building materials and packaging materials, building materials in the domestic real estate market into a long-term adjustment cycle under the influence of factors such as overall demand growth slowed more sluggish market performance plastics industry production profits generally narrowed, and thus the consumption of plasticizers and other additives to maintain a low level.

In summary, subject to the end-user demand, plasticizers outlook remains difficult, think out of the woods, it will be a long way off.

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