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Historical development of carbon black


According to records, China is the world's first production of carbon black in the world. In ancient times, people burning animal and vegetable oils, pine branches, collecting fire Yan Ning into black and gray, and black pigment ink is used to modulate. This is called "soot" in black and gray is the first carbon black.

1821 people in North America for the first time using natural gas as raw materials to produce carbon black, since black is no longer "soot" so simple, it is "gaseous or liquid hydrocarbons in the air under the conditions of insufficient incomplete combustion or thermal cracking the resulting decomposition of amorphous carbon, is loose, lightweight and very fine black powder. "Large oil and gas fields have been mined, endless supply of raw materials to promote the production of carbon black from manual operation entered a large-scale industrial era.

In 1912 it was discovered that carbon black for rubber has a reinforcing effect, from black rubber industry has gradually become an indispensable raw material. World consumption of raw rubber industry ranked first in the raw rubber, second place is black; in other words, has become the largest consumer of carbon black for rubber compounding agent. Consumption of carbon black rubber consumption usually accounts for 40% to 50%, that is, in the rubber formulations, usually using two copies of each will be used with a rubber parts of carbon black.


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